Dr. Mike Wells
Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor of Parkside Baptist Church in Mesquite, TX
Dr. Mike was raised as a Roman Catholic. He received the Lord as his Saviour on July 24, 1979. He entered Bible college in 1980 and surrendered to preach in 1982. After graduating from Bible college in 1984, he served 10 years as an assistant pastor and youth director at International Baptist Church in Brooklyn, New York, and Central Baptist Church in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. During those 10 years, both churches grew to have the largest independent Baptist youth departments in their states.
In 1994, he became the pastor of Union City Baptist Temple in Union City, Tennessee. This church experienced tremendous growth. In 1998, the Wells family entered into the ministry of evangelism and founded the International World-Wide Evangelism ministries. For the next 12 years, Dr. Wells and his family traveled America and many foreign countries conducting local church revivals, conferences, and evangelistic crusades. It was during these years that the Wells family began to be used of the Lord to strengthen many churches and train personal soul winners around the world.
Dr. Wells became known as “The Caring Soul Winner” and “The Pastor’s Friend.” It was also during this time that God opened doors for Dr. Wells to begin the Soul Winning Leadership Conferences around the world, training tens of thousands of soul winners and Christian leaders. Through these conferences thousands of people have been trained to be personal soul winners and, over 3,700 people have surrendered to full-time Christian service. Through these conferences and the training of personal soulwinners local churches have reported millions who received Christ as their Saviour.
In 2010, the Wells family moved to Texas, where Dr. Wells assumed the position as pastor of Parkside Baptist Church and president of Lone Star Baptist College and LSBC International. The Lord continues to bless the church and ministries under his leadership.
Dr. Wells has assisted in starting over 150 international churches and 30 Bible colleges. He is the author of over 20 books, including college training manuals, conference training manuals for pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and Christian workers.
Dr. and Mrs. Wells celebrated 40 years of marriage on May 25, 2024. All of their children and their spouses are faithfully serving the Lord through their local church. Jonathan is married to Heather and they have one child, Hallie. Joshua is married to Mindy and they have five children: Andrew, Elijah, Abigail, Isaac, and Elisabeth. Jared is married to Debbie and they have two children, Emmalynn and Gavin. Rebekah is serving at a church in North Carolina.

Dr. Kacy Palmore
Assistant Pastor
Dr. Kacy Palmore began attending Parkside Baptist Church in 1981 at the age of six. His parents were led to the Lord by our founding pastor, Dr. Martin May. He received Christ as his Saviour on August 9, 1987 and was led to Christ by his father. He grew up as a child and a teen serving in various ministries of the church and began attending Parkside Baptist Academy in its inaugural year. In 1998, he married his wife, Lacey – who also grew up at Parkside Baptist Church.
Dr. Palmore is a graduate of Lone Star Baptist College from which he has three earned degrees: Bachelor of Science in Pastoral Theology, Master of Ministry, and Doctorate of Ministry.
Dr. Palmore came on our pastoral staff in 2003 and has served in various capacities over the years. Currently, his main duties are music director and business administrator. Mrs. Palmore is heavily involved in the music department of Parkside Baptist Church and is also an avid songwriter. Dr. & Mrs. Palmore have five children. Jaclyn has attended Lone Star Baptist College and currently serves in the music department and in the media department of Parkside Baptist Church. Sean is a graduate of Lone Star Baptist College and serves in the music department, bus ministry, and media department. Their three youngest children – Jessica, Eric, and Colton – are actively learning and growing in the music department and various other aspects of the church ministries.

Kevin Craig
Assistant Pastor
Bro. Craig attended Texas Baptist College in Longview, TX where he met his wife, Danielle, and they both graduated in May of 2002. After graduation, Bro. Craig went on staff as an Assistant Pastor at a church in Tyler, TX where he served as Youth Pastor and Bus Director, among other responsibilities, for five years. During his tenure in Tyler, he and his wife were married in June of 2004.
In September of 2007, Bro. Craig and his wife moved to Georgia to help a friend in a church and eventually became a part of the staff. While on staff, he served as Music Director and Financial Secretary, as well as serving in other capacities in the church. After three years, the Craig’s moved to Mesquite, TX to join his former pastor, Dr. Mike Wells, and to be a part of the church.
In October of 2012, God blessed Kevin and Danielle with one son - Samuel. After serving for several years in our church, God opened up the door for him to come on staff as an Assistant Pastor in December of 2014. He serves as the Senior Saints Director, assists in Lone Star Baptist College, and oversees other various ministries in the church. His wife serves as Nursery Coordinator and assists him where needed.

Joshua Wells
Assistant Pastor
Joshua Wells is the second oldest son to Pastor and Mrs. Wells. He received Christ as his Saviour when he was 15 years old. At the age of 15, in 2004, Joshua began traveling with Jonathan as a child evangelist to conduct meetings at churches around the country.
Joshua moved with his family to Parkside Baptist Church in 2010. In June of 2014, Joshua married Mindy. He joined the staff of Parkside in 2015, and is presently serving as the children’s pastor and bus director. He and his wife serve in many areas of the church. They presently have five children, Andrew, Elijah, Abigail, Isaac, and Elisabeth
Joshua is a graduate of Lone Star Baptist College from which he received the Bachelor of Science in Pastoral Theology.

Dr. Jack Bachman
Assistant Pastor
After graduating from Hyles-Anderson College, Dr. Jack Bachman served for 14 years as an Assistant Pastor in Iowa and Indiana. During those years he also helped to start Baptist College of America, authored Teens In Transition, and started and directed a nation-wide soul winning ministry for teens called SWAT Youth Ministries.
He then served as the senior pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee for nearly a decade. In 2017, he moved to Mesquite, Texas to become an Assistant Pastor at Parkside Baptist Church and the Vice-President of Lone Star Baptist College. He has traveled across the nation and in many foreign countries preaching in many conferences, camps, and churches for nearly 30 years.
He and his wife, Robyn, have been married since 1992 and she has been a Christian high school teacher for 20 years as well as taught several classes in the college. Their oldest son, Ryan, graduated from Bible college and he and his wife, Abigail, serve faithfully at the First Baptist Church of Streetsboro in Ohio in the singles department, youth ministry, music ministry, Reformers Unanimous program, and the Christian school. Their youngest son, Jordan, and his wife, Zaira, both attended Lone Star Baptist College and now serve at Parkside Baptist Church.

Gilbert Fernandez
Assistant Pastor
Was born and raised in Laredo, Texas. After his mom passed away from a brain aneurysm in 1997, he was left with the task of raising his13 year old sister. In 2000, he was asked to move to Allen, Texas, by his family. After this move, he met his future wife, Heather. After dating for 2 years they married on April 6, 2002. The Lord then started working on his heart when a co-worker from the City of Mesquite invited him to a special retirement service for Sylvester Matthews at Open Door Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas. Growing up in the Catholic Church, he was curious to learn what was different about the Baptist church. It was here that he heard Dr. Randy Taylor preach a message on hell. That day he received Christ as Saviour on May 2, 2004. God began to use him to reach his family and many others for Christ. While serving at Open Door Baptist Church for 18 years and Mesquite Baptist Academy for 5 years, the Lord used him as a Junior church helper, Sunday School teacher, deacon, choir member, soul winner, group leader for missions conferences, director of the College and Career conferences, Discipleship teacher, couples retreat organizer, basketball coach, and Bible teacher.
In 2018 Pastor Fernandez and his family moved with the Spanish ministry to serve with Iglesia Bautista Fundamental Emanuel for 2 years. While serving at IBFE, he served as deacon, bus captain and College and Career Sunday School teacher.
In 2020, Pastor Fernandez was called to pastor the Rockwall Baptist Church in Rockwall, Texas. While serving in Rockwall, the Lord used him and his family to see many souls saved and baptized. He started a missions revival program and the church took on 13 missionaries.
In 2022 the Lord moved Pastor Fernandez and his family to a church plant named Autonomous Baptist Church in Terrell, Texas. While serving there, many souls were saved and baptized. This church was blessed to have seen growth numerically and spiritually. The Lord allowed this church to take on 3 missionaries while still establishing more members.
In 2023 the Lord moved Pastor Fernandez and his family to Parkside Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas. He took an assistant Pastor position which includes pastoring the Spanish Department and School principal for Parkside Baptist Academy. Since taking the pastorate in the Spanish Department many have been saved and baptized.
Gilbert Fernandez is married to Heather Fernandez and the Lord has blessed them with 6 children: Spencer, Norma, Joshua, Sophi, Micah and Elisha.