Adult Groups
The 9:45am Bible classes remain fresh and vibrant at Parkside. Our desire is that these classes be a time of learning God’s Word and building relationships with fellow believers.
We are blessed to have skilled and effective church members that can lead classes with Biblical knowledge, humor, and insight. The Bible classes at Parkside are always encouraging and always relevant. This hour is time well spent and has a profound effect on our entire congregation.
Each of our classes emphasizes spiritual growth and practical Bible lessons for all ages.

Young Adults
Everybody needs some help and encouragement. The young adults Bible classes gives you a place to belong and fit-in. These classes provide Bible teaching that is specific to the challenges and needs that you face as young adults. They also provide mentoring and friendship; a place to have your questions answered and your needs met.
Married Couples
The married couples' classes are designed to help couples see how God’s Word can be used to guide them into a solid and wonderful relationship with their spouse. God’s Word is studied with diligence and purpose, looking to see how it can be applied in practical living.

Mature Adults
This class is intended for adults in their senior years. Often, our adults get together for a time of fun and enrichment, from visiting museums and malls, to having holiday luncheons right here on the campus of Parkside Baptist Church. These are wonderful opportunities that will strengthen your relationships and your faith. Finding other adults your age will help encourage you and offer Bible solutions to questions you may have.
Regardless of your age or background, there is a class for you. You will be encouraged spiritually, meet new friends and receive loving care. You can find the perfect fit in one of our ladies' classes on Sunday morning.